
Car Carriers

Worldwide cargo traffic has continued to grow along with the progress of economic globalization, including the growth of emerging contries and the shift of manufacturing plants to overseas locations. In our car carrier operations, we offer services that precisely meet the diversified transport needs and distribution patterns of today's automobile manufacturers. MOL, as a pioneer with a half century of success, provides comprehensive, top-quality, local market-oriented services such as land transport, coastal shipping, and terminal operation

Vehicle Import and Export to Indonesia

  • Weekly call to Jakarta
  • Loading and discharging operation at the Car Terminal in Tanjung Priuk
  • Next generation Car Carriers, FLEXIE series
  • Increased number of liftable decks from 2 to 6, enabling effective transport of a wide array vehicles
  • Rounded bow shape to reduce wind resistances, expecting to achieve 2% lower CO2 emissions (compared to conventional car carriers)

Dry Bulkers

MOL's dry bulker fleet, the largest in the world, offers flexible, reliable services with a full lineup of specialized carriers designed to meet the specific characteristics of different cargoes and conditions at loading and discharging ports. We also have a wide range of versatile bulkers from small to large size, flexibly meeting various trades around the world and providing high-quality transport services. Looking to the future, MOL is taking a proactive stance to develop LNG-fueled dry bulkers, in response to rising environmental concerns and stricter international standards on exhaust emissions from merchant ships.

LNG and Offshore Carrier

MOL develops its energy transport business on a worldwide scale, backed by the world's largest fleet, a track record of success, and decades of know-how. The company focuses on enhancing the quality of its fleet and providing the most up-to-date seafarer education and training in energy transport sectors including crude oil and LNG, which require advanced technological capabilities. We play an essential role in providing a stable supply of energy with a comprehensive safety system covers both hardware and software aspects. Building on our strong track record of success in energy transport, MOL is also moving agressively into new offshore businesses such as floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs) and floating production, storage and offloading units (FPSOs)

Operating Vessels in Indonesia

Business Development

MOL future plans as development encompasses a wide scope of ideas, activities, and initiatives that management implement with the goal of making the MOL business better. Remain committed to the principles of ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) in business activities. MOL will contribute to enhancing the implementation and sustainability